Some people might ask this question, "Why do I need to know my purpose? I just live my life as it comes. I don't want to think much about it. The more I think about it, the more frustrated I become." I can assure you that it may be frustrating at first when you don't know your purpose, but when you find it, there will be a sense of liberation within you. You will finally know that you are not wasting your time.

Here are some of the benefits of knowing your purpose:

Knowing your purpose gives meaning to life

Here's a scary statistic for you guys to think about. In 2008, over 30,000 people committed suicide n the US. Which means that in every 16 minutes, someone commits suicide. Let's ponder on that for a moment. Everyone dies at one point in their life. Some die early, and some later. But why should we continue living? Since there is so much pain and suffering and if there is no meaning to life, we might as well end our life now. Have you been told to do something and you didn't know the meaning or the purpose of doing it? I remember my friend once told me during the exam period of Form 5, "Why do I need to study Additional Maths? It' not like I'm gonna use it or apply it in my life anyway!" However, my friend did try his best to practice doing his Add Maths, but he dreaded it for 2 years. In this scenario, my friend only needed to suffer for two years, but life lasts a lifetime. Not knowing your purpose in your a lifetime will result in a life of suffering without a purpose. Which makes life pretty much meaningless.

Knowing your purpose simplifies your life

Especially nowadays, life is much more complicated. In a research that I read about recently, by the time we are 25 years old, we would have made over 80% of the decisions that would form the course of our entire life. Wow...Complicated huh? (for those older than 25 don't worry...haha!! I always believe God allows u-turns). Knowing your purpose in life would simplify your life in a sense you know what you will do or become in the future. For example, If I know at the age of 15 that I am suppose to be an astronaut, I wouldn't have to make difficult decisions on whether I want to apply for going into engineering, marketing, or any other course that does not help me be an astronaut. I would just take an astronaut's course (sorry la..don't know what it's called). That makes life easier and simpler.

Knowing your purpose focuses your life

Being focused in what we do is an important thing. As human beings we all know that our time on earth is limited. We actually do not have time to do everything under the sun. Rather than doing everything, it is wiser to choose which to focus on and master it. Jesus Himself was very focused in His life. He knew what His purpose was and He did plainly what He was meant to do. No time wasting, just a very purposeful life according to God's purpose. Because of that, by the age of 33, He made a long lasting impact in the world. We need to know our purpose too so that we can focus and be more effective in whatever we do

Knowing your purpose motivates your life

Whenever somebody knows the purpose of what their doing (especially if it is a good purpose), the person is motivated to do the task, whether or not he/she likes the task. Let me give you an example. Jesus had temptations to give up on going up to the cross because He knows very well that He is going to suffer terribly. But He yielded to God's purpose for Him and went up the cross. Even in our life, sometimes there are certain things we don't want to do because it's hard to do. But when we know our purpose, we will be motivated to do it because we know that somehow there will be a positive outcome. As for myself, I know my purpose and I like doing what I'm doing now. But there are times when I struggle with fulfilling my purpose in life. But I know that one day, all these will be worthwhile.

Thanks for reading, I hope you will be motivated to know your purpose in life after reading this post. I guess the next question is, "How am I supposed to find out what my purpose in life is?". The next few posts will give you some guidance on how to know God's will for your life. And please pray for me that whatever I write here in this blog will continue to glorify Him and encourage other people. God bless.