I'll start my blog with explaining what the acronym D.E.E.P. means as it is posted as the title of my blog. Uncle Don (my church leader and mentor) ask me to write a personal vision around 2 months ago. I gave it much thought and prayer and the acronym D.E.E.P. became my personal vision. This vision is something that I live by. I pray and hope that in every day of my life, I do only these 4 things or least whatever I do leads to these 4 things.

The first letter is 'D', Which stands for 'Depend'.

For the first part of my vision, I want to make sure that it has something to do with Jesus. I'm working part time for church and depending on Him really is a must. In John 15:5, Jesus said that apart from Him I can do nothing. This is one thing I realize in my life. Whenever I am close to Him (depending on Him), things seems to go much better. But when I don't things seems to go tougher. Some people may disagree about this. For example, someone who studies diligently will get good results for their exam. I know that without Jesus people are able to do many things. But I know that none of those things will matter because what we do on our own strength will not bring glory to Him. I prefer to depend on Him because I want all glory to be for Jesus. Truthfully speaking, this part of our lives are often neglected. We rarely seek Him or depend on Him. But be rest assured that when you do, you will find it a joy, rather than a chore.

The second letter is 'E', which stands for 'Equip'.

I believe that God also wants me to impact other people by equipping them with the Word of God and with skills that I currently possess. As a result, I too will have to equip myself so that I have something to offer to other people. This is the hard part. As a leader I need to be above other people in terms of my spirituality, attitude and knowledge. Although ultimately I want all of those in my youth group to follow Jesus, I know that as a leader I play an important role in setting a good example. "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ," apostle Paul said to the church in Corinth. Apostle Paul here urged the Corinthian church to follow him. However it's not just him, but as he follows Jesus' example. My call is to follow Jesus' example, and hopefully, those who are under me will follow me as I follow Him. I accept the fact that this is my calling, so I will try my best. I pray for all those that I am trying to equip so that they will see Jesus in my life and start to follow His footsteps

The third letter is again the letter 'E', which stands for 'Encourage/Excite'

One of the gifts that God gave me is that He gave me the ability to restore passion for Jesus (I don't know whether this is true but so far it has been proven). I believe God gave me this gift to make young people excited about the things of God. We all should be excited about Jesus. Why shouldn't we? He died on the cross for us right? If that's not enough of a reason to be excited, Jesus also gave us joy, love, peace, forgiveness of sin, help in times of trouble and the list goes on....However, excitement comes and goes, when times are down it's hard to be excited. That's why I also include encourage into the acronym. I also believe God wants me to encourage those who are down and out so that they be lifted up again. We all need someone to encourage us once in a while. I thank God for the youth and friends that He has blessed me with. I hope that I am someone who is encouraging to them.

Last but not least is the letter 'P', which stands for 'Proclaim'

Somehow deep inside me there is a desire to let people know about Jesus Christ and what He has done for us. i won't forget the time I organized a concert in Ipoh. I've organized around 3. Be it as a coordinator or just a committee. In the first one I organized, I remember that there were around more than 10 who received Jesus on that night. When that happened, I remember kneeling down, and with tears in my eyes thanked and worshiped Jesus. The thought of someone receiving Jesus just drive me to tears. I don't know why. Maybe it's just the fact that I know that those who received Him will change their lives forever. This drives me to share the gospel. However, I don't believe I have been doing that enough. I pray that my life and my words will proclaim Jesus and His gospel to everyone that I meet. I won't shove it down their throats, but I pray that those people that I meet will have their hearts opened to Jesus.

That ends a very long post. I hope you all have not fallen asleep halfway. My next post will be on the topic 'Purpose'. I already shared this with some of the youth in Genting. But I hope this simple message will touch others who read this blog as well. God bless.


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This is meng leng. I like ur post!


haha, your blog's no longer black eh..

hmm, you know, I realised although there are many Christians out there, not all are prepared to REALLY live life for God and place him as our ultimate priority.. I used to wonder whether people really think and mean it when they sing worship songs with lyrics like "you're all I need.." and "I want to be with you forever.."..

I guess it's hard for me,too.. seriously,I don't think I've ever really made the effort to place Him first in my life, not until now anyway..

So yeah, don't stop at just 3 posts haha..

haha..no worries...If response is good i will continue my posts...it's time to put meaning to our words then...Meng leng: Long time no see!!

Now this one more like it.. I didn't fall asleep. I love that acronym D.E.E.P also.. how did you thought of it? Interesting..

And yeah, hope to see more posts later.. Don't want to see your blog dead after a few months.. lolz..

If can, maybe u can post something about knowing God's will? :)